The rules are very relaxed, so most people should not have an issue with them. If you are unwilling to follow the rules, do not use the service. Violations of these rules may result in permanent banning.
  • No posting content deemed to be illegal under United States law
  • No posting links to content deemed to be illegal under United States law
  • No releasing the personal information of others without their consent, also known as doxing (emails, phone numbers, real names, home addresses, etc)
  • No spam
  • Users must be 18 years or older to connect
Liao is not responsible for the actions of users on the network.
Channel owners are in charge of enforcing their own rules, and channel content cannot be guaranteed or screened. Enter at your own risk.
Offending messages can be removed from chat history, but users may collect their own logs on their IRC clients. Liao does not offer a file or image upload service, and as such, the contents of any file or image links sent through the network are not under the control of the network.